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О xxxneedlesxxx

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    The Glove

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  1. как установить формы команд 19-20? Где папка прочитай меня? 

    how to set team uniforms 19-20? Where is the read me folder?

  2. xxxneedlesxxx

    Works by Totty

    @Totty The AHL Ices look great! keep killing it brother!
  3. xxxneedlesxxx


    please be patient... Every year people keep complaining about his speed. He will get it done people have other things in there life besides this game. Just wait for him to update or give notice on it.
  4. Why don't you ask @Wasserlasser how he does it and try the following or who does the RHL website? I understand what you are trying to do but you knew while making this site you knew that it was gonna be like this. This game is over 10 yrs old and people don't want to spend that much on a game that's not new. Maybe try lowering your prices so they don't seem so big and give more people a chance to pay. I get the time and effort thing but maybe instead of making them pay for this you put a yearly subscription so you can cover the cost to run the servers. These are just suggestions to help, you do amazing work and kind of sad to see this as it could lead to a bad outcome but I look forward to your future work.
  5. xxxneedlesxxx

    Work's by Skyline_r341

    @Skyline_r341 can you do an updated Ottawa Sens ice?
  6. xxxneedlesxxx

    Jerseys NHL by Cobratin

    @zMaker will you be making Calgary's 3rd jersey as well?
  7. xxxneedlesxxx

    Jerseys NHL by Cobratin

    hey @zMaker awesome jerseys! will you be making Calgary's 3rd jersey as well? Its there home jersey from 19-20
  8. Сможешь сделать арены для NHL 2005 C сеткой за воротами  Как в 9ке

  9. View File NHL 19-20 + 18-19 (ALT) JERSEYS Here is the 19-20 +18-19(Alt) jerseys Jerseys - Jimbo66 Letters / Numbers - Demoul, Kane98, and Me Helmets - Tomahawk & Christian Taylor, Me Everything should be up to date(Oct 1st) except a few jerseys that haven't been released. ENJOY !!! Submitter xxxneedlesxxx Submitted 10/01/2019 Category Jerseys  
  10. xxxneedlesxxx

    NHL 19-20 + 18-19 (ALT) JERSEYS

    Версия 1.0.0

    1 295 скачиваний

    Here is the 19-20 +18-19(Alt) jerseys Jerseys - Jimbo66 Letters / Numbers - Demoul, Kane98, and Me Helmets - Tomahawk & Christian Taylor, Me Everything should be up to date(Oct 1st) except a few jerseys that haven't been released. ENJOY !!!
  11. xxxneedlesxxx

    ELITE ROSTER 2019-2020

    Hey @VojghiV is there a reason why you stopped doing the AHL? Just curious... glad to see you back btw, always liked your work!
  12. Привет. Знаешь ли ты как можно уменьшить в половину базовую скорость хоккеистов под управлением человека ? Я не о настройках внутриигрового меню или показателях скорости!

    1. Показать предыдущий комментарий  ещё 1
    2. Gragory1995


      you mean overall ?

    3. xxxneedlesxxx
    4. Gragory1995



      I did not mean overall, mean the base speed of human controlled hockey players.

      I can edit Speed hockey players relatively standard by tce08, can watch broadcast matchs with pc vs pc.

  13. View File NHL All-Star Game 2019 Everything You Need For The All-Star Game Jerseys/Puck = xxxNeedlesxxx Ice= Skyline_r341 Submitter xxxneedlesxxx Submitted 01/28/2019 Category Jerseys