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Hygiene Salubrite

  • Публикации

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Изменения репутации

  1. Лайк
    Hygiene Salubrite изменил репутацию senators96 за файл, DT - HELMET CHOOSER   
    DT - Helmet Chooser
    This mod allows you to have helmeted and non-helmeted players all at once. If a player is setup to have a visor with NHLView, he will have a helmet in the game. If a player is setup without a visor, he will not have a helmet in the game.


    - Players with a helmet, will have whichever helmet they have been given with NHLView.
    - Players with a helmet will not have a visor.
    - I've included an option to let you choose whether goalies have their masks or not.
    - I've also included an option to let you switch easily between having helmets and not having helmets.

    Install Instructions:

    1. Install the High Detail In-Game Models (included) if you haven't already. All credits to bcrt2000 for the batch file.
    2. Run 'Helmet_Chooser.bat' and choose one of the three options.

    Author: DT77
  2. Реакция
    Hygiene Salubrite изменил репутацию Slaventous за файл, Богдан Дьяченко   
    вратарь Донецкого Донбасса и молодежной сборной Украины