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  3. ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025 DOWNLOAD LINK: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENT VERSION - 0.3.0 (15.01.2025) BETA VERSION Transfers up to date and most importantly all players have their correct ages. The weight and height players data are updated according to eliteprospects website for season 2024-2025 and they are edited according to overview which you can find in ELITE RATING 2024-2025 in the Salaries section. This is still a beta version of the rosters, and there are still a lot of important things to be edited before the final version, such as long-term injured players who can not be in the starting lineups (generated by the game itself for now), minor league players, and last but not least the correction of positions, the elimination of players with minimum game played in the starting lineups, and for NHL, TELH and KHL leagues, salaries and contracts. Salaries and contracts are very important because the NHL, TELH, KHL calendars are already included in the roster files and both dynasty and season are playable, but this element is of course very missing and can cause errors especially in the KHL. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELITE ADDONS UPDATE 2024-2025 VERSION - 0.9.0 (17.01.2025) ELITE MENU - game menu, logos, bootscreen, widescreen fix, gameplay files, sounds and localization files (English, Russian, Czech and German) ELITE ARENAS - arenas, boards, ice rink fix, ices, crowds, referees, net textures, smaller player indicator, smaller puck ELITE JERSEYS - jerseys to menu and uniforms with letters and numbers ELITE FACES - in progress (You can download ELITE FACES 2023-2024 from previous year until the new pack is realeased) A whole new installation packs for addons that replace Update pack. Some brand new addons for season 2024-2025 are not included yet because they require graphic editing and file correction, so for example the new Anaheim jerseys will be added later. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your understanding and I will be glad for any support here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=UP3EUAKMGAPD6 https://revolut.me/eliteroster IBAN: CZ1455000000004046082003 Swift/BIC: RZBCCZPP
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  6. HC Utah Jerseys (формы) https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/nhl04rebuilt/goalieman40-s-addons-t6244.html
  7. Ну ты сравнил. То что я сделал, и у Андрея качество...
  8. Спасибо огромное. Давно ждал твои работы Сделай если можно торф Юты.
  9. The ads are missing - I have only made it for NHL2004 (different format), but if you want to ads the should look like those:
  10. Ну так январь 22го было ровно 3 года назад. Он же не мог зайти на форум и тут же умереть? Явно не 3 года прошло, а чуть меньше.
  11. Последнее посещение 16 января 2022 года. Да, Валера Перро он из Минска. Еще один Валера, который делал мод, из Киева.
  12. Он был тут на форуме в сети последний раз 16 января 2022 года, когда он умереть успел? Да и он вроде с Минска, судя по профилю...
  13. Валера Перро умер 3 года назад. У меня был инсульт 3,5 года назад, правая сторона не работает. Валере из Киева не до хоккея с 22 февраля . Вот такие вот дела и вот такая ситуация с Ретро модом.
  14. 4.5 года прошло, сам как думаешь? Автор мода последний раз посещал сайт в январе 2022...
  15. Всем доброго времени суток. Мод ещё жив или нет?
  16. Андрей, привет, МХЛ торфы смогёшь? Нужна АКМ-Юниор, Амурские Тигры, СКА-1946. Сезон 2024/25. Фото предоставлю по необходимости.
  17. ELITE TEAMS ID 2024-2025 UPDATE PREVIEW: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I8bSk3aCiWH2L2JwKYz1OgB-LZphR61Xwr-DccthU4k/edit?usp=sharing v1.2.0 (16.01.2025) Head coaches update - will be available in the second next roster update
  18. Андрей, я изменил свою просьбу. Заменил Сан Франциско на EHC Olten (Сан Франциско не такое уж и желанное).
  19. Thank you Andrei very much for the new Anaheim torfs. I can not use any of new jerseys addons created by zMaker (Cobratin) so I will be very glad for your new torfs or jerseys for NHL. Currently I am uploading new ELITE ADDONS 2024-2025 v0.9 package which will contain compatible addons for the current season. But for the final version I will be glad to add your Anaheim torfs and other new stuff as well. Have a nice day a keep up the great work.
  20. I am glad that you are back. Thank you for this ice.
  21. Спасибо огромное. Давно ждал твои работы
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