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Все публикации пользователя magicwizard

  1. magicwizard

    ELITE ROSTER 2023-2024

    @VojghiV just to amend my previous statement. I checked the Florida jersey in game and it is the most recent jersey in play - it is the preview at team select which is out of date. @XGamesk I resolved my crash issue with KHL and it was due to my game installation. I was using an pre-extracted version of NHL09 sourced from the internet. I found an original ISO and installed from a mounted CD and the mods work fine.
  2. magicwizard

    Weird Control Issue

    Figured it out. My puck control was at 0. It basically makes you losing the puck the moment you deke on tough difficulty. 😆
  3. magicwizard

    Weird Control Issue

    When I play on 'Difficult' (hardest) difficulty using hybrid controls and I use the right stick to deke (left or right), my player just abandons the puck and skates away from it. I can use right stick to shoot but dekeing just drops the puck. I assumed it was an incompatibility with my PS4 controller and considered using DS4Windows or something similar, but the REALLY strange thing is that the right stick works for dekeing on any other gameplay difficulty other than Difficult... Has anyone encountered this?
  4. magicwizard

    ELITE ROSTER 2023-2024

    Thank you! Message sent.
  5. magicwizard

    ELITE ROSTER 2023-2024

    @VojghiV Thanks so much for this. A lot of hard work - I'd be happy to contribute to your work come pay day. Two questions regarding the Elite Roster pack. 1) Khl crashes with anyteam, are you aware of any solution to this? 2) The Florida Panthers jersey is not the most recent jersey, any way to get this updated? I tried to PM you but it says you're not available to receive messages.