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Отображаются публикации с наибольшей репутацией на 07.02.2024 в Сообщения

  1. 1 балл

    NHL09 works by jcNYR7

    @BergForce I make my packs with every player I can possibly include for a reason... if I made a pack with ONLY active players then every day there will be someone complaining to me that a player is missing or can I add this guy or why no that guy and so on... even as my packs are now I still get this from people so that's why
  2. 1 балл

    NHL09 works by jcNYR7

    @BergForce stop squabbling on my thread please and thank you... if you want to know something PM me... why flood the threads with garbage all the time... the Elite Roster id does NOT have shortcomings (whatever that means) Elite roster id list is massive and has 95% of ALL current players from ALL leagues supported in the game... this is a 'long' coming LOL I have mentioned before numerous times where I get my photos in this thread 👁️
  3. 1 балл


    Предыдущие засоряющие тему сообщения, перенесены в раздел "Флудилка" тема Архив и скрыты! P.S. На будущее, все свои личные и неприязненные отношения, прошу решать вне форума. Всем мира и добра🙏
  4. 1 балл


    Вадим Мороз Динамо Минск
  5. 1 балл

    NHL PS3 Modding

    Торфы МХЛ