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О Sminty1718

  • День рождения 04.06.1950

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  • Реальное имя
    John Smyntek
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  1. Sorry my inbox was full - if you want a one year subscription then sent me a PM.

  2. I'm looking for cyberfaces and in-game photos for Larry Murphy and Paul Coffey for the NHL All-star team in NHL20 Elite Roster. ANyone out there able to download these files? Thanks in advance.
  3. Sminty1718

    ELITE ROSTER 2019-2020

    Hi Vojghi--- I'm thrilled the new rosters are ready. I usually do a clean start on NHL09 when they are done. Can you tell be where the uniform and other add-ons files are that I need to do this? Thanks again for all your efforts---an early Christmas present!