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Hygiene Salubrite

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Все публикации пользователя Hygiene Salubrite

  1. HC Davos jerseys 2017-2018; https://www.hcd.ch/sites/default/files/styles/adaptive/public/produkte/bilder/fileTylMmE?itok=KvLijPvm https://www.hcd.ch/sites/default/files/styles/adaptive/public/produkte/bilder/file6Q0ivS?itok=j__Izha1 Thanks !
  2. Bogdan Dyachenko Donbass Donetsk; http://hcdonbass.com/upload/resize_cache/iblock/c57/224_320_1/SPV_7402_.jpg Vladislav Gurko Donbass Donetsk; http://hcdonbass.com/upload/resize_cache/iblock/d34/224_320_1/Гурко Владислав.jpg Also, makes the facepack Donbass Donetsk; http://hcdonbass.com/komanda/donbass/ Thanks !
  3. Hygiene Salubrite

    Стол заказов

    Sorel-Tracy Mariniers jerseys ? Blue home jersey; https://www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA741CA741&biw=1440&bih=794&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=Mariniers+Sorel-Tracy+&oq=Mariniers+Sorel-Tracy+&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i30k1.42214.43397.0.44267. White away jersey; https://www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA741CA741&biw=1440&bih=794&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=Mariniers+Sorel-Tracy+&oq=Mariniers+Sorel-Tracy+&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i30k1.42214.43397.0.44267. Alternate jersey; http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=235908SorelTracyMariniersalternatejersey.png Thanks !
  4. Someones are interest to makes NLA season 2017-2018 addons ? So, there is HC Davos shop https://www.hcd.ch/de/shop/, ZSC Lions; http://shop.zsclions.ch/, Thanks !
  5. Thanks Tooty !
  6. Which id art # ? Thanks !
  7. Laval Rocket AHL; https://www.tricoloresports.com/fc/ccm-jhbr0004-chandail-authentique-rocket-blanc.html, https://www.tricoloresports.com/fc/ccm-chandail-authentique-du-rocket-de-laval.html Thanks !
  8. AK Bars KAzan with Andrei Markov ? http://www.ak-bars.ru/player/812.html
  9. Hygiene Salubrite

    Работы by BadVovak

    Delete please ? I have aged since that time. So, can you makes cyberfaces about my nephews ? So, maybe, i will send to you my actual picture. Thanks ! Best regards !
  10. Hygiene Salubrite

    Работы by BadVovak

    Bogdan Dyachenko and Vladislav Gurko of HC Donbass ?
  11. I suggest that somebody can make the cyberfaces pack Ukrainian hockey league. So, i wonder to know have MikhaI Shevchuk and Eduard Zacharchenko cyberfaces of HK Kremenchu kwith goalie mask and gear if possible? Thanks !
  12. Can you help me to solve the ice problem?   I have the old NHL08 PC Game and the ices are black parts and disturb logos.  Can you help me please ? 

    Thanks ! Best regards !

    1. Skyline_r341


      In the gamedata folder, select the files inter.big and nhl.big, make a backup of these files. And copy the folder gamedata in the file I sent you. In NHL09 it works.



    2. Hygiene Salubrite
  13. So, are you an interest about NLA goalie masks ?
  14. Hygiene Salubrite


  15. St-John's Icecaps news; http://www.stjohnsicecaps.com/article/icecaps-reveal-design-of-new-tribute-jersey/ Thanks !
  16. Now, will you plann to makes somes jerseys requests about other threads ?
  17. Let's go to makes the new Poland jerseys and torfs !
  18. I suggest that someones can makes the cyberfaces pack and facepack of all Ukrainian hockey league http://fhu.com.ua/ So, i wonder like to know have MikhaI Shevchuk and Eduard Zacharchenko cyberfaces with goalie mask and gear if possible ?