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Totty, these are outdated and from last season: Colours need to be changed/switched and the text is not anymore: Proud Supporter 2013-14 but PROUD PARTNER
Винтажный комплект форм ХК Авангард (Омск) сезона 2014/15
stlouis26 ответил в тему пользователя Cobratin в Дополнения КХЛ
Great, thank you. -
Thanks for the nice wishes - really appreciated.
Milwaukee Admirals:
Hartford Wolf Pack
Lake Erie Monsters: Something like this ?
Hi Andrei, with the help of a member from TBN I do now know the logo for the Chicago Wolves black helmet - it is for International Trucks:
Springfield Falcons Blue jersey: blue helmet (USA/CAN flag on back , AHL logo on back) on left and right side MassMutual White jersey: white helmet - also MassMutual on it (different colors) (Left + Right side): Portland Pirates White jersey: white helmet (back as always :-) MEMIC logo on left and right side: Red jersey: black helmet (MEMIC in white): Let me know if you need more infos - I have contact a person who is working at the Chicago Wolves concering the logo on black helmet (hope to get an answer - will keep you up-to-date)
Binghamton Senators Black jersey: black helmet Back like always (CAN/USA flag and AHL logo) on left and right side: Team World White jersey: white helmet (ads like on black helmet): https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p720x720/10505401_10153627215451494_6656560358826005600_n.jpg?oh=4463a117a9f69c9d637c06a4a04685d8&oe=55866859&__gda__=1438336335_e1e66c021d7f99a7441c9bfee4ad035f https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p480x480/10447800_10153611346556494_7894891364822682017_n.jpg?oh=9e5e96d9dc918106833d04ddf2425083&oe=5588E452&__gda__=1438507332_104dd4a54927c0999e5a0f040ec2ded5
Andrei, Oklahoma uses as 3rd jersey the one you have posted in orange with Barons logo on it and used last year the one which Totty posted (blue with OKC logo) I have not seen the blue (with Barons logo) with orange shoulders yet - where have you seen it ?
Amazing work, Andrei
Which jerseys, from where ?
Andrei, sorry I don't understand your problem - what is not possible ?
Charlotte Checkers White jersey: white helmet: Back as always (CAN/USA flags + AHL logo) On let and right Wells Fargo: Red jerseys: red helmets: Also Wells Fargo but black&white:
Chicago Wolves Back of helmet as always :-) White jersey: white helmet On top: Rosemont - did not find good logos - font seems to be a bit like this: or on left and right side: https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8613/16470615877_f0d367caf4_o.jpg Burgundy jersey: black helmet (different than white): on top also Rosemont, but on left and right side something different: International - but what ?
Hershey Bears Back as always (Can/USA flag left, AHL logo right): White jerseys: white helmet: brown jersey: brown helmet Sponsor on helmet (left + right): PSECU - Credit union http://www.easterseals.com/wcpenna/get-involved/events/events---central-region/capital-division/psecu.jpg Sorry for being slow - due to lack of time
Norfolk Admirals Blue jersey: blue helmet Back like all others Canadian/American flag left, AHL logo right Left and right GEICO (insurance company) in white: White jersey: white helmet - like blue helmet but GEICO in blue:
Lehigh Valley Phantoms (black helmets for the orange and white helmets for the white jerseys) and they have ppl + this "half circle" (from ppl center - their arena) ad on the helmet: On the back the have left the Canadian and American flag and on the right the AHL logo (I think this a standard for all AHL teams, so you should also do this for the Hartford Wolf Pack helmets) Texas Stars White jesey = white helmet: Back like all other AHL teams Canadian/American flag on left , AHL logo on right on helmet left and rigth side: Texas Stars logo: Dark green jerseys: black helmets. Back like all other AHL teams Canadian/American flag on left , AHL logo on right on helmet left and rigth side: Texas logo
Lehigh Valley Phantoms (black helmets for the orange and white helmets for the white jerseys) and they have ppl + this "half circle" (from ppl center - their arena) ad on the helmet: On the back (also on white helmet they have left the Canadian and American flag and on the right the AHL logo (I think this a standard for all AHL teams, so you should also do this for the Hartford Wolf Pack helmets) And: They have added their inaugural season patch on dark and white jerseys on left shoulder above the Phantoms logo:
Hartford Wolf Pack have dark blue and white helmets. The have a wolf logo on both side and I did see the Canadian and American flag on it: More to come in about 6-7 hours ....
Great stuff, let me know if you need pictures/infos for remaining teams.
HI zMaker, I wish you are great birthday - may your wishes come true. Don't trink too much as your head will have pain tomorrow but I know that Russians can trink a lot :-)
This is amazing, Thx Demoul, Andrei and zMaker for this wonderful patch.
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Stunning work on the Wolves jerseys
Great work Andrei - and thx for CCM gloves and pants