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Все публикации пользователя stlouis26

  1. stlouis26

    Работы от Andrei4589

    Wow Andrei, top work !!! Thank you.
  2. stlouis26

    Работы от Andrei4589

    You both are great persons
  3. stlouis26

    Работы от Andrei4589

    Hey Andrei, great job. If you have time for SHL: Modo green, Lulea black + Malmo (maybe I've overseen them)
  4. stlouis26

    Формы IIHF/Jerseys IIHF

    great work and I like the refreshed logo
  5. stlouis26

    С Днем Рождения!

    Happy Birthday, zMaker. May all your wishes (privat/generally) come true so we all can live together with respect and peace. Have a great party and not too much vodka :-)
  6. stlouis26

    NHL 2015-16 icepack (HD&SD)

    @lprow28: Any chance that you'll release the NHL All star ice ?
  7. Never heard of Legend No. 17 but seems to be a great movie (found a link with english subtitels :-)) Saw Red Army yesterday - a great movie about the KLM and Slava Fetisov.
  8. Thx - it was a great day yesterday - had the chance to see it on laola1.tv :-) Any chance of Omark's burning stick in the game ? :-) - I'm just joking - also liked the oscar for L. di Caprio :-) It think the players had fun and enjoyed the event very much.
  9. Perfect quality zMaker - I hope that you will release (and TAKE YOUR TIME) a jersey update with these nice retros/special/allstar jerseys. I like those allstar jerseys more than the NHL allstar jerseys.
  10. stlouis26

    С Днем Рождения!

    Sorry Demoul for being late. I hope you had a great birthday. I wish you all the best and that you could fulfil some of your dreams.
  11. stlouis26


    Merry x-mas my russian friends and zMaker already said everything what is needed for a good future (love, peace, respect, ....)
  12. stlouis26

    NHL 2015-16 icepack (HD&SD)

    Wow that was unexpected - GREAT WORK !!!!
  13. stlouis26

    С НОВЫМ 2016 ГОДОМ!

    Wish you all a happy new year 2016 (with more peace and love)
  14. Thx Serge_66 - really awesome and I appreciate all your hard work
  15. Great new jerseys - do you plan a update patch for the jerseys ? If so, take the time.
  16. stlouis26

    Стол заказов

    You know this thing called google ? Do you really expect that someone will do jersey when you post images small than 100x100 px ? I really don't think that the russians or anybody else will fulfil your request (you can use Francktrainers911, Hygiene ... or Bea1406 as nickname) - it is time to do all your stuff on your own. You should starting downloading jersey templates.
  17. So awesome zMaker - all teams are done and a special appreciation for the pink one.
  18. Great job and thx for the update. I think SKA and AK Bars are missing - could be have 3 reasons :-) 1. I missed the download 2. They have the same jerseys like last years 3. You had not time for them :-)
  19. stlouis26

    Сезон 1949-1950

    Hi Mokrov, thanks for both info and yes I've missed 1948-1949 MOD (download right now).
  20. stlouis26

    Сезон 1949-1950

    This will be an amazing mod like 1947/48 + 46/47 - do you have any timeline for the release (no hurry, I'm just curious).
  21. The blue helmet is the standard, but sometimes they play with yellow helmet as alternate. They call it golden saturday and you can read about it here (they will play all their home game on Saturday with the yellow helmet): http://predators.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=776717#&navid=NSH-search