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About DSgamby

  • Birthday 10/08/1976

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  1. you need to install goalie updates
  2. ELITE AUDIO 2023-2024 Temp Link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-K-WVo0Mv8xSv2BHtDjOkznzNnTKLMxw/view?usp=sharing
  3. You need to install Facepacks that have those players in it.
  4. Download facepacks here in the downloads and follow the instructions from this link. https://www.dsgambelluri.ignitiondomain.com/How to get Addons To Work with Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 10.html
  5. NHL View is the only roster editor. NHL View doesn't change ices, jerseys or cyberfaces/facepacks. For that you need to install the addons using the installer the addon comes with, the universal addon installer or NHL Toolbox Th AHL updates should be here and on wasserlassser. If not. You are SOL.
  6. You need to download those updates yourself.
  7. There asre faces whether cyberfaces or facepacks here or at wasserlasser that will work.
  8. The only thing I can think of is that the AV program thinks the file is a virus. You would need to put the whole folder in the whitelist for the AV program. I had that before a few times because the AV program kept doing that.
  9. did you run the game before installing the rosters? The game creates the My Documents/NHL09 folder plus the exhibition.exh file inside that folder after you load the game once after installing the game.
  10. https://wasserlasser.com/forum/index.php?thread/8082-elite-roster-2019-2020/&postID=81125#post81125 Facebook is where you get the links to the addons. You can replace it onto of the the older version.s
  11. I just use the downloads that are at wasserlasser.
  12. What do you mean by janky? If you have the Philips Arena. You need to install a MTS Arena update.
  13. That might be the problem. There should be no other folders in the my documents/nhl09 folder other than the 2 exhibition files, users file and any other file that came with the folder. Did you move the folder or the files?
  14. When you unzip the files. Do they all go in the main game folder and not a folder inside the main game folder?
  15. You said that you are playing on a laptop. The game doesn't support laptops. If you did indeed install the rosters correctly. Make sure hardware acceleration and anti-aliasing is off.