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  • День рождения 07.04.1992

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64 420 просмотров профиля
  1. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    2024-2025 PREVIEW https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=UP3EUAKMGAPD6 - https://revolut.me/eliteroster
  2. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    2024-2025 PREVIEW https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=UP3EUAKMGAPD6 - https://revolut.me/eliteroster
  3. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    2024-2025 PREVIEW https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=UP3EUAKMGAPD6 - https://revolut.me/eliteroster
  4. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    2024-2025 PREVIEW https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=UP3EUAKMGAPD6 - https://revolut.me/eliteroster
  5. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    2024-2025 PREVIEW https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=UP3EUAKMGAPD6 - https://revolut.me/eliteroster
  6. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    I am not a creator of addons. In ELITE ADDONS are included all jerseys which I have permission to use them. Some of them are new and some of them are older. New jerseys for NHL, KHL or IIHF teams are available in download section created by Cobratin.
  7. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    Hi, the work is still in progress, there are only previews of what you can expect when it is released. Beta version with all compatible addons, new logos and schedules will be released very soon for all (past and current) donators. Until then you can download for free my last roster work with all addons and with the new cybers and facepacks here: Previous seasons here - https://splinterice.com/files/category/56-elit-roster/ Thank you for understanding.
  8. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    ELITE TEAMS ID LIST PREVIEW: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I8bSk3aCiWH2L2JwKYz1OgB-LZphR61Xwr-DccthU4k/edit?usp=sharing v0.5.0 (02.11.2024) - DEL and AHL coaches ID Fix
  9. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    ELITE TELH SCHEDULE 2024-2025 PREVIEW A new Tipsport Extraliga schedule for dynasty and season mode, compatible with the ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025. Thank you for sending a financial contribution. I will use the them to buy a new version of Franchise Hockey Manager which is important for my work on the rosters. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=UP3EUAKMGAPD6 - https://revolut.me/eliteroster IBAN: CZ1455000000004046082003 Swift/BIC: RZBCCZPP - For CZE: 4046082003/5500
  10. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    ELITE KHL SCHEDULE 2024-2025 PREVIEW For the first time in ELITE ROSTER you will be able to play KHL Dynasty mode with the actual KHL schedule for all 23 teams. This schedule will be compatible with the upcoming ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025. All teams are correctly placed in their conferences. I had to swap teams to maintain the order and at least alphabetical order somehow. I added some teams which would not have any games in calendar, of course. Instructions how to create dynasty or season modes will be included - Before creating the dynasty file you will need to change the League-League values for all KHL teams from "KHL" to "Custom" in the NHLView program. Then you will set it back. Regarding salaries: I will edit them to maintain hard-coded NHL minimal cap limit. The All-Star game is hard-coded to be played on January 25, so any games originally scheduled for that day have been moved to January 24 and January 26.
  11. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    ELITE NHL SCHEDULE 2024-2025 PREVIEW I am very glad to announce completing a whole new NHL Schedule with all 82 games for the season 2024-2025. This schedule will be compatible with the upcoming ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025 and with the new NHL team order as listed in the ELITE TEAMS ID LIST. For this season, you won’t need to swap teams with "Custom teams" or change positions as was required in the 2021-2022 season. You will simply start dynasty mode, choose your team, and play. Due to the game's limitation of using only 30 teams in NHL dynasty mode, I kept games for all teams except Utah and Seattle and added 79 additional games (division or conference games) scheduled between February 10 and February 20. The All-Star game is hard-coded to be played on January 25, so any games originally scheduled for that day have been moved to January 24 and January 26.
  12. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    I am working on it but it will take some time. When you send me the names of new players I will send you their IDs.
  13. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

  14. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    ELITE TEAMS ID LIST PREVIEW: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I8bSk3aCiWH2L2JwKYz1OgB-LZphR61Xwr-DccthU4k/edit?usp=sharing v0.4.0 (23.10.2024) - Utah Play-By-Play ID set to 278 - Little corrections in Scoreclock Abbreviation column according to senators96 NBCSN Logos - Edited German localization file - correct names for all teams (Languages - English, Czech, Russian and German)
  15. VojghiV

    ELITE ROSTER 2024-2025

    ELITE TEAMS ID LIST PREVIEW: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I8bSk3aCiWH2L2JwKYz1OgB-LZphR61Xwr-DccthU4k/edit?usp=sharing v0.3.0 (20.10.2024) - Arena names and attendance update - Vegas arena ID set to 22 PHX arena. Utah arena ID to 127 PON